Wednesday, February 22, 2006

King of all Travel Media?

Like Howard, I've made the move to Satellite radio! I am now a part of Discovery Channel Radio's "Traveling with Paul Lasley and Elizabeth Harryman," doing segments on the latest in mobile technology to make the traveler's tech life easier.

Traveling with Paul Lasley and Elizabeth Harryman, a daily one-hour program packed with information and entertaining content about the world of travel, is now on Discovery Channel Radio. From exploring exotic vacation destinations to booking efficient business travel, award-winning travel journalists Paul Lasley and Elizabeth Harryman share practical tips and personal experiences to provide unique insights that go beyond the guidebook.

Traveling with Paul Lasley and Elizabeth Harryman can be heard on Channel 119 on the Sirius Satellite Radio Network. It runs daily at 11am and 7pm pacific time.